Home Sweet Home(G)

English Air

’Mid pleasures and palaces,
though we may roam;
Be it ever so humble,
there’s no place like home! 
A charm from the skies
Seems to hallow us there,
Which seek thro’ the world,
Is ne’er met elsewhere. 
Home! Home! Sweet home!
There’s no place like home!
Oh! there is no place like home! 
●別アレンジ! クリック! おけらindex
An exile from home,
splendour dazzles in vain 
Oh, give me my lowly;
Thatch’d cottage again! 
The birds singing gaily;
That came at my call 
Give me them with the peace of mind,
dearer than all. 
Home! Home! Sweet home!
There’s no place like home!
Oh! there is no place like home!

中学唱歌(明治22) 新編教育2(明治29) 中学唱歌(明治43)
中学唱歌(昭04) 新尋常小学(昭10) 中等音楽3(昭和22)
