うれしいひなまつり 【Cm】

・うれしいひな1 うれしいひな2
河村 光陽

あかりをつけましょ ぼんぼりに
お花をあげましょ 桃の花
  ■五人ばやしの 笛太鼓
  ■今日はたのしい ひな祭り

お内裏様(だいりさま)と おひな様
二人ならんで すまし顔

金のびょうぶに うつる灯(ひ)
かすかにゆする 春の風

着物をきかえて 帯しめて
今日はわたしも はれ姿

新おけら歌集(06/03/01) / 楽譜:ビーさん(06/03-09/06)


■This "Hinamatsuri glad" is put on the market the record in 1936. Composition person's Kouyou Kawamura is born in Fukuoka Prefecture, and makes a lot of nursery rhymes such as another of "Hinamatsuri glad" and "Sea gull's sailor" and "Red the hat white hat".
 Person's of writing songs Satouhatiror divorces when this poetry is composed and receives three children. Loneliness where mother doesn't exist will be comforted, and there is a story of not understanding how to decorate it and having taken night though grand Hinaningyou was bought for children.