猿 地 蔵


 途中、谷川サさしかかるド、「猿 けっつ(尻)ァ 濡らしても じんぞう(地蔵)けっつァ 濡らすな」って、歌ったもんだドゴデ、爺さまァあんまり可笑しくて吹き出しそうになったバッテ、ジッと我慢してだんだどシャ。



 谷川バ渡る時、「猿 けっつ(尻)ァ 濡らしても じんぞう(地蔵)けっつァ 濡らすな」って、歌ったもんだドゴデ、悪い爺さまァ可笑しくて可笑しくて、我慢できなくなって「ウッププー」って吹き出してしまったどシャ。猿どもァ、「あれ、これ本当の地蔵でね(ない)ジャ。」って、手車ァ解いで逃げてしまったドゴデ、悪い爺さまァ、川の中サ落ちてしまったんダド。


The monkeys and the jizo(gyoukan Umiura)

(jizo=guardian deity of children)

 A long time ago somewhere in Japan there lived an honest old man and his wife. In the house next door there lived a nasty old man and his wife.

 One day the honest old man went to the mountains to gather firewood. The sun was shining "pokka pokka"' warmly and the old man became sleepy.He lay down for a nap.

 No one knows how long he slept for but he was woken by loud noises all around him. The noises were being made by many monkeys.The monkeys were saying
 "Oh, look! Here's a jizo, but this isn't in a good place for a jizo; it's not safe here. Let's carry it to a safer place in the mountains."
 So the monkeys picked up the old man and carried him on their shoulders saying "Issa! Issa! Issa!" many times as he was very heavy.On the way to the mountains they came to a big river.
The monkeys crossed the river singing
  "Monkeys can get wet but the jizo must not!" The water came up to their waists.

 The old man who had become the jizo wanted to laugh desperately at the monkey's funny song but he managed not to laugh.The monkeys put the old man down at the foot of a mountain.
The old man tried to stand up straight like a real jizo and he opened his eyes just a little so he could look around.
 "This really is a wonderful buddha! We must bring him much gold and jewels,"
said the monkeys and so they did.Then the monkeys returned to their home in the mountains, very satisfied with their days work.And the honest old man hurried back to his house with the gold and jewels given to him by the monkeys.

 The nasty couple who lived next door heard what had happened to their neighbours and thought that they could get gold and jewels too. So the nasty old man went to the mountains and pretended he was asleep, and waited for the monkeys to come.Finally the monkeys came and found him.They said
  "Oh,wow! Here's another jizo!"
 They were very surprised to find another jizo in exactly the same place as the first one.But they put him on their shoulders, crossed the same river singing the same song.
When they sang the song the nasty old man tried very hard not to laugh but he couldn't stop himself and he burst out laughing,  "ha ha ha ha ha."
 The monkeys said  "This is not a real jizo!" and they dropped the old man into the river and returned to their home in the mountains. The nasty old man was very cold and wet and it took him a very long time to get home.

Tottsuparekkopi.(The end)
